The AC Show Podcast
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The AC Show is an anything-goes style podcast hosted by ME, Andrew Christopher, a full-time musician, father, and sports fanatic. I believe everyone has a story to tell and I provide my guests a platform to tell that story while quite often interrupting to share MY story; hardships, successes, music, family, parenting, sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll!
For sponsorship opportunities click here to send me an email!
Anthony is an avid hunter and outdoorsmen. He prides himself in hunting respectfully and responsibly as he says 99% of hunters do. We talk about the benefits of hunting as well as the importance of respecting every persons way of living, providing, and protecting.
The AC Show Podcast - Brought to you by:
Mortgage Professional - Rebecca Casey - rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com + The Russell Brewing Company - russellbeer.com
Carin Bondar is a biologist, TV Personality and mother of 4. Her expertise in Evolution and 'Wild Sex' always keeps her audiences engaged. To learn more visit www.carinbondar.com
The AC Show Podcast is brought to you by: Mortgage Professional, Rebecca Casey - Rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com + The Russell Brewing Company - www.russellbeer.com
Lucas is an abstract landscape artist with an extreme passion for life and capturing 'weird' perspectives in nature. He lost himself, found himself and turned his passion into a career. Check out his work on instagram or FB @l.simpsonart His exhibition is running at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre from Feb 8th - Mar 19 10am-2pm
The AC Show Podcast Sponsors: Rebecca Casey, Mortgage Professional - rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com + Russell Brewing Company - russellbeer.com
Joel Sawatzky (12 years old) is a 20th century history wizard with some incredible insight on todays society and political trends. His critical thinking on worldwide issues will have you asking some important questions.
The AC Show Podcast is sponsored by: Mortgage Professional Rebecca Casey, DLC Origin Mortgages. rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com + The Russell Brewing Company www.russellbeer.com
I decided to open up about my dad in hopes of encouraging other people to more openly about anything that may be 'eating them up'. Talking to someone you trust can be very healing. These experiences or people do not define who we are. THANK YOU to Dr. Chris Bertram for taking great care in conducting this interview. If you need to talk call/text victimlink 1-800-563-0808
Sponsors: Mortgage Professional Rebecca Casey - rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com + The Russell Brewing Company russellbeer.com
A star studded cast joins AC to wish you all a Merry Christmas and you'll hear an exclusive live Christmas classic to finish off the episode! Enjoy!
Sponsored by: Rebecca Casey, Mortgage Proffessional - rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com + Russell Brewing Company - www.russellbeer.com
Christie has been a dedicated student of traditional yoga for 15 years. AC would call her an expert, but she won't allow that. She recently worked on a documentary to raise awareness of the drug overdose crisis - www.callingoftheheart.ca Please watch and share. www.christielucia.com
Sponsored by: Rebecca Casey, Mortgage Professional -PLEASE SHOP LOCAL- rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com + The Russell Brewing Company - russellbeer.com
Haven returns to the podcast to talk about life as a 7 year old. Its incredible the stories you get from kids, and the lessons you can learn from them, when you take the time to listen. Enjoy
Sponsors: Mortgage Professional Rebecca Casey - rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com + Russell Brewing Company - russellbeer.com Home Delivery!
AC + JC pitch their new home reno show idea and chat about the ups, downs, and sideways of family life and marriage. Could this be the episode they get through without fighting? Not likely.
The AC Show Podcast is sponsored by: Mortgage Professional Rebecca Casey - Rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com + The Russell Brewing Company www.russellbeer.com
Ian has studied the occult for over a decade and is the foremost mind on this subject outside of Vancouver. He has used magic to overcome his OCD and lost over 100 lbs using the same practices. But its probably not what you're thinking... Enjoy!
The AC Show Sponsors: Mortgage Professional, Rebecca Casey - rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com
The Russell Brewing Company - Russellbeer.com
Jason is a 3-term city councillor and is running as an independent provincial candidate for the Chilliwack-Kent riding. He is a new breed of politician, and a breathe of fresh air to say the least. Check out what Jason is all about at jasonlum.ca
The AC Show Podcast is brought to you by: Mortgage Professional - Rebecca Casey rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com + The Russell Brewing Company - Home Delivery russellbeer.com
Jimmy brought some of the new Russell beers over to the studio. We drank them and talked about bad business decisions and good thanksgiving dishes. Follow @russellbeer and order straight to your door from Russellbeer.com
The AC Podcast Sponsored by: Mortgage Professional - Rebecca Casey (rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com)
+ The Russell Brewing Company
Steve is an Environmental Services Specialist with the City of Chilliwack. In his spare time he has been cleaning up Cultus Lake via scuba diving for garbage (pics on IG: @justabitfarther) He and his daughters were also featured on the CBC Gem Short Doc "Toad People".
The AC Show Podcast is Sponsored by: Mortgage Professional Rebecca Casey. rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com and The Russell Brewing Company - Home Delivery Russellbeer.com
Desiree is a mother of 5, and co-founder of a multi-disciplinary clinic, Restorative Health, in Chilliwack BC where she practices as a doula and RMT. She is now looking to pursue her passion of music by recording some of her original works with AC.
Sponsors: Mortgage Professional, Rebecca Casey, DLC Origin Mortgages. rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com
The Russell Brewing Company - Home delivery via russellbeer.com
Nicolle is a journalist wanting to create a world of more pleasure and less shame. Her new book 'Oh, the places you'll go Oh Oh!' is available at theorgasmbook.com We discuss her life changing orgasm and the ethics behind non-monogamous relationships. Follow her on IG @nicolledoublel
The AC Show sponsors: Mortgage Professional Rebecca Casey. rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com + Russell Brewing Company - russellbeer.com
Dave is a Canadian History Professor at Langara College and UBC. He also works in Nashville 4 months of the year as a professional songwriter. Check out his podcast at www.coolcanadianhistory.com
The AC Show is brought to you by: Mortgage Professional Rebecca Casey, DLC Origin Mortgages. rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com. AND The Russell Brewing Co. - www.russellbeer.com
Kate tells her story of living in silence as a young gay woman, coming out to friends and family, and now using her voice, and living as a proud member of the LGBT community.
The AC Show is brought to you by Mortgage Professional, Rebecca Casey, DLC Origin Mortgages. rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com
Click around at www.andrewchristophermusic.com
A wonderfully candid, unedited, conversation between 2 sets of parents about business, grief, sex, and how to navigate life with kids. Rebecca and Sean are beautiful, caring people who also love the 'F' word. So, Earmuffs kids!
The AC Show Sponsored by: Mortgage Professional Rebecca Casey, DLC Origin Mortgages rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com
Aryn has great insight on living life in health and harmony. She owns thegoddessmovement.com dance studio and offers life coaching at arynsavard.com . I was so thrilled to chat with a fellow entrepreneur and such a beautiful, old soul.
AC Show Sponsor: Mortgage Professional, Rebecca Casey rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com
Books ref: Deep - James Nestor, Braving the Wilderness - Brene Brown, Proof of Heaven - Eben Alexander
AC + BW dig a little deeper into life outside of music. We discuss how small business can change and thrive after times of hardship. Carly, Brendans wife, and him run "Lavender and Lilee" (IG + FB @lavenderandlilliehandmade) handmade girls apparel. We talk about the importance of hobbies, and balance in life as well as 'turning points' and how life could have gone if we turned a different direction
The AC Show brought to you by: Mortgage Professional Rebecca Casey, rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com
Season 2 Debut: Devon Maher lives off the grid in Australia, and is helping build an environmentally friendly, sustainable community. He's happier, more fulfilled, and has found purpose in his life, thanks to his experiences while taking psychedelics. Open up your mind, and enjoy!
LINKS: Devons Conservation Project - https://www.facebook.com/AOEAcaciaConservaionProject/
Julian Palmer - www.julianpalmerism.com
Sponsored by: Rebecca Casey, Mortgage Professional, DLC Origin Mortgages rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com
'Rank Something' sponsor: Charitables.com
AC talks about being first on the scene at a brutal car accident, his preteen stepdaughters new crush, and reviews the first year of shows/guests. Thanks to everyone who has supported the 1st year of podcasts. Subscribe to the New-newsletter and give your feedback at www.andrewchristophermusic.com
Sponsored by: Rebecca Casey Mortgage Professional, DLC Origin Mortgages. Rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com
'Rank Something' sponsor: www.charitables.com
The final guest of season 1 ran the city of Chilliwack for 9 years. He has directed major theatrical productions, started a company to aid disabled adults, and even managed AC’s first band, Pardon My Striptease. You’ll hear stories of golfing with Pat Quinn, being barked at by humans, and a quick discussion of Elton Johns basketball career(?!)
AC's brother-in-law helps him tell the story of how the flu made its way through almost every member of their Hawaiin-Christmas-Vacation-Crew. Enjoy the background noise and distractions from their wives and kids as the story unfolds. They rank their 3 favorite Christmas presents, talk about Taylors mix-tape, and countdown to 2020! START THIS PODCAST AT: 11:13.33pm NYE!
The AC Show brought to you by: Rebecca Casey Mortgage Professional DLC Origin Mortgages rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com
'Rank Something' sponsor: www.charitables.com
You may also enjoy my ‘quick-hit’ podcast with drummer Dylan Weightman: Between Sets.
Jeff Booth is a visionary leader at the forefront of some very important discussions regarding the worlds economics, AI, and bitcoin. His book 'The Price of Tomorrow' is a best has been written about in Forbes, Time, The Wall Street Journal, and is a best-seller in multiple countries. www.jeffreybooth.com Twitter: @jeffbooth (200k followers)
Sponsored by: Russellbeer.com home delivery
Mortgage Professional Rebecca Casey - rebecca@customcoastmortgages.com